The Great Monthly Vehicle Payment Disconnect

The overwhelming majority of car buyers finance their vehicle purchase or lease, current economic uncertainties and affordability challenges are making monthly payment the most important consideration for buyers, but dealer website tools are disconnected from this monthly payment reality.

Vehicle Payment Trumps Sales Price

Confirming affordability ranks as the greatest challenge facing today’s car buyers, auto dealers are reporting the monthly payment amount is more important (46%) or equally important (22%) to car buyers than the actual selling price of the vehicle (31%).

1 _ Vehichle Payment More Important Than Selling Price

Most Dealers Offer Online Payment Calculator Tools

2 _ Most Dealers Offer Online Payment Calculators

The Disconnect? The Results of Those Online Tools Are Misleading

If you have a payment calculator, you are telling customers the wrong thing! 80% of dealers reported their payment calculators provide an inaccurate or unrealistic monthly payment expectation over 60% of the time.

3 _ Results of Payment Calculator Tools Are Misleading

Misleading Payment Quotes Cost Dealers Wasteful Deal Reworks

Time is money, efficiency is profitability. Calculator tools can offer convenience for the buyer but create inefficiencies for the dealer when inaccurate payment calculations frequently require rehashes and reworks because they cannot be matched to the customer’s credit profile, the final deal structure and lender approvals.

4 _ Misleading Payment Quotes Cost Dealers

F&I Sales Are Lost

When customers expect a payment quote to be honored, only to be negatively surprised in the store… They don’t blame the technology. They blame the dealer. The confusion and disappointment breeds mistrust, dramatically decreasing the likelihood of profitable F&I product sales success.

5 _ Lost F&I Sales Opportunities

Early Deal Transparency Is Good For Business

Accurate Payment Terms Equal MORE F&I Sales
It’s a surprise to nobody that upselling a happy customer is much easier than selling a disenfranchised buyer. Nearly 9 out of every 10 dealers say they would realize a 10% or more increase in F&I sales penetration if consumers were quoted qualified payment terms matched to lender fundable contract terms (with dealer mark-ups), before getting to the F&I office.

6 _ Early Deal Transparency Is Good For Business

Accurate Payment Terms Equal Time SAVED

85% of dealers surveyed estimate that 15 minutes or more could be saved in the F&I office if customers were quoted qualified payment terms that match lender fundable contract terms (including dealer mark-ups) prior to the F&I handoff, this equals better CSI and profits.

7 _ Accurate Payment Terms Equal Faster Transactions

New Digital Finance Pre-Desking Technologies Offer A Solution

Pre-desking solutions evolve basic online payment calculator tools and the educated guesswork used by most desk managers to eliminate negotiation frictions by providing transactional and fundable payment quoting and deal structuring – prior to the first pencil or F&I handoff.

8 _ Digital Finance Pre-Desking Technologies Offer A Solution


Online payment calculator tools have merit but they also have inherent limitations – often times creating confusion and disappointment for the customer at the point of sale. Dealers have an opportunity to not perpetuate stereotypes by changing when and how today’s “payment sensitive” shopper is introduced to “qualified” payment information. The two-way ‘deal’ transparency is a trust multiplier – increasing customer satisfaction, finance penetration and PVR.

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